Upstate – Spring CEU – Register Now!

Greenville Technical College 506 S. Pleasantburg Dr., Greenville, SC, United States

Upstate CEU + Building Tour Please join us on Friday April 11th for a tour of Greenville Technical College’s newest building on their Barton Campus – the Prisma Center for Health & Life Sciences. This new building is a facility for students to pursue careers in the healthcare field, as well as general educational programs. The 125,000 square foot, three-story [...]

Coastal- Spring CEU- Register Now!

Interior Elements - Charleston 1940 Algonquin Drive - Suite 104, Charleston, SC

Coastal CEU Course - Neurodiversity: Space & Design Considerations Neurodiversity is an appreciation that there are vast differences in the ways our brains process inputs. Discussions about neurodiversity often focus on considerations for cognitive disabilities but may also include considerations for more subtle differences in the way we respond to inputs from the world - inputs like color, sound, smell, [...]