Membership Minute
Many members are not aware of some options that are available to you that may make your dues payment process easier. Did you know that IIDA offers an EZ Payment plan? This is a way to make monthly installments rather than paying the entire dues invoice at one time. You can find information on the EZ Payment plan on the IIDA website under the Membership tab. Also, if you are a retired Professional member, we offer a Retired membership status; and if you are Inactive, there is an Inactive category as well. All of this information is available on the website, or you can contact me at any time with your questions.
Students – this notice applies to you, too. If you are still in school, you can renew your dues for 2015 online. If you have graduated, Congratulations! You are eligible for a 50% savings on your first year of Associate Member dues. Be sure to take advantage of this savings! We value our members and we are planning more great programs for you in 2015. Please take the time to Renew and maintain your access to all the benefits that IIDA has to offer.
Anita Holland
VP Membership